УДК 537.9, 53.06, 53.043
На серии монокристаллических нитей в стеклянной оболочке Bi-0,02ат.%Sn различных диаметров от 0,2 до 1 мкм, изготовленных литьем из жидкой фазы по методу Улитовского, проведен комплекс измерений температурных зависимостей удельного сопротивления ρ(T), термоэдс α(T) в области температур 4,2–300 К и магнитополевых зависимостей R(H), осцилляций Шубникова–де Гааза (ШдГ) в продольном и поперечном магнитных полях до 14 Тл в интервале температур 2,1–20 К. Из осцилляций ШдГ рассчитаны минимальные и максимальные циклотронные массы, температура Дингла и положение уровня Ферми E
Ключевые слова: термоэлектрическая эффективность, нити полуметаллов, размерные эффекты, эффект Шубникова–де Гааза.
Using a set of glass-insulated Bi–0.02at.%Sn wires with diameters varying in a range of 0.2–1 µm prepared by liquid-phase casting via the Ulitovsky method, a complex of measurements of the temperature depen-dences of resistivity ρ(T), thermoelectric power α(T), and magnetic field dependences R(H) in a range of 4.2–300 K and Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations in longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields up to 14 T in a temperature range of 2.1–20 K has been conducted. According to the SdH oscillation measurements, the minimum and maximum cyclotron masses, the Dingle temperature, and the position of the Fermi level εF in the Bi–0.02at.%Sn wires have been calculated. It has been shown that, at low temperatures, the conduction occurs only through T-holes, i.e., εF is located in the region of the band gap ΔEg; it has been found that the anisotropy of the Fermi surface of the T-holes does not change after doping. The observed anomalies in the temperature dependences ρ(T), α(T), and at longitudinal magnetic field dependences R(H), which depends on the wire diameter d, have been interpreted in terms of the occurrence of galvanomagnetic size effects. From the experimental data, power factor P.f. = α2σ for the Bi–0.02at.%Sn wires with different diameters in a range of 4.2–300 K has been calculated as well as the maximum P.f. value in different temperature ranges. It has been found that the maximum P.f. value is achieved in a temperature range of 75–100 K when the thermoelectric power has a positive value, which is an important factor for thermoelectric applications at low temperatures.
Keywords: thermoelectric figure of merrit, semimetal microwires, dimensional effects, Shubnikov de Haas oscillation.
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