Professor Julia Boyarskaya is the foundress of the scientific school in the field of plasticity and durability in Moldova, the initiator and principal ideologist of the Laboratory of Mechanical Properties of Crystals of the Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova. For 35 years she studied various materials: bulk crystals with ionic, covalent and mixed types of bonds; metals; crystalline and amorphous semiconductors; materials for biomedical applications; high-temperature superconductors; minerals and rocks. As a result, many new phenomena were revealed and important regularities in the field of strength and plasticity physics were established. Among them we can name the influence of two principal factors in the micro-indentation process: the crystal interior stress state and the dislocation sliding geometry; the models of plastic flow of materials under micro-indentation in a large temperature range (77–800 K); the hypothesis about the smooth and impulsive mechanism of plastic deformation; the hypothesis about the dislocation pseudo-mobility at low temperatures; and the phenomenon of prolonged plastic deformation. The results of her scientific activity were published in more than 250 scientific articles, 3 monographs, 2 textbooks and 7 preprints.
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