УДК 621.315.592
Приводятся результаты экспериментальных исследований автоколебаний тока типа рекомбинационных волн (РВ) в кремнии, легированном примесными атомами селена. Определены зависимости параметров РВ (амплитуда и частота) в образцах Si<Se> от удельного сопротивления и концентрации образованных нанокластеров атомов селена, а также от влияния магнитного поля, которые дают возможность управлять амплитудой в интервале J = 10-5–5×10-3 A и частоте автоколебанийf = 104–5×106 Гц. Показана возможность использования автоколебаний тока, наблюдаемых в кремнии, диффузионно-легированномпримесными атомами селена, для создания твердотельных генераторов.
Ключевые слова: кремний, селен, диффузия, рекомбинационные волны, автоколебания, амплитуда, частота, магнитное поле, освещение.
The paper presents the results of experimental studies of self-oscillations of the current of the recombination wave (RW) type in silicon doped with impurity selenium atoms. Doping of silicon with impurity selenium atoms was carried out using a new developed technology, which allows the formation of nanoclusters of impurity selenium atoms in the silicon lattice consisting of Se2 and Se4 molecules, without erosion of the surface of the samples. Self-oscillations in the Si<Se> samples were detected at room temperature and at sufficiently low electric fields. The dependences of the RW parameters (amplitude and frequency) in the Si<Se> samples on the resistivity and concentration of the formed nanoclusters of selenium atoms, as well as on the influence of a magnetic field, which makes it possible to control the amplitude in the range of J = 10-5–5×10-3 A and the frequency of self-oscillations off = 104–5×106 Hz. The mechanism of the observed RWs is explained by the formation of nanoclusters consisting of two (Se2) or four (Se4) selenium atoms in silicon, which leads to the formation of fluctuations (clusters) of the main charge carriers and their reaching contact when determining the magnitude of the applied constant electric field. A possibility of practical use of self-oscillations of current observed in silicon diffusion doped with selenium impurity atoms to create solid-state generators is shown.
Keywords: silicon, selenium, diffusion, recombination waves, self-oscillations, amplitude, frequency, magnetic field, lighting.
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