УДК 633.3
To determine the (current-voltage) characteristics for the fabricated Disks of varistors, we need to design a circuit, which can generate voltages with different Amplitudes and frequencies. This device can change the voltage and frequency automatically and linearly. We can use this device to study characteristics of the fabricated components or in QC procedures. Device gets the frequency of output voltage from 46 quantized values between 0.001 Hz to 100Hz in the computer software. The peak to peak Amplitude of symmetric triangular voltage can change from 0 V to 600 V.
Разработан и изготовлен генератор треугольных напряжений для исследования вольт-амперных характеристик в нелинейных резисторах (варисторах). Диапазон напряжений генератора изменяется в пределах 0–600 В, диапазон частот – 0,001–100 Гц.
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