Хиженков П.К., Нецветов М.В., Соболев В.В., Соболев Д.В.
УДК 577.3
Исследовано влияние переменных магнитных полей НА с частотами f = 1,5, 8, 24, 50 Гц на процессы заживления гнойных ран у белых мышей и выживаемость их при содержании на соленом питье. Показано, что НА не оказывает достоверно значимого влияния на сроки заживления ран (в контроле и в опыте оно равно ~ 20 сут.), но наблюдается частотная зависимость длительности гнойной фазы процесса. В контроле очищение ран от гноя происходит на 10-е сутки, при f = 1,5 Гц - на 11-е, при 8 Гц - на 14-е, 24 Гц - на 9-е и при 50 Гц - на 7-е. Средняя продолжительность жизни мышей в условиях действия НА при f = 50 Гц - 26-сут.
The purpose of the present work was the study of influence of alternative magnetic fields low frequencies on processes of white mice healing of skins purulent wounds and on survival of mice contained on salty drinking. Investigated influence of HA = 60 Oe at f = 1,5, 8, 24 and 50 Hz. Is found out, that HA do not have significant influence on terms of healing of wounds at white mice. At control and skilled animals it has appeared equal ~ 20 day. But, the development of process in time for different frequencies has appeared various. In the control purification of wounds from pus has taken place for 10 day, in conditions of HA with f = 50 Hz – 7, at f = 8 Hz the obvious delay of process – purification for 14 day was observed. The influence HA with f = 1,5 Hz is unsignificant, the process is detained approximately for one day, and with f = 24 Hz in the same measure is accelerated. At the second part of experiment (water-salt exchange) optimum concentration of a drinking water solution NaCl have defined experimentally – 17‰, thus the mice survived till 20–30 of day. Efficiency and orientation of influence HA defined (determined) on duration of life. Is found out, that the duration of life of control animals has made – 21 days from a beginning of experiment, approximately as much of time have lived mice, which was exposed on HA at f = 1,5 and 24 Hz. In a case f = 50 Hz the duration of life has increased almost on 25%, i.e. for 5 days, and at f = 8 Hz, on the contrary, was reduced to 75% – all animals of this group were lost to 6-s day of experiment.
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